Does Double Glazing Stop Condensation?

Does Double Glazing Stop Condensation?

Condensation on windows frustrates most homeowners, and it is a common issue in the UK. This is a typical issue that not only obstructs the view, but it can also lead to more serious issues such as humidity, mould and potential damage to the property. Additionally, it may also cause respiratory problems and trigger allergic reactions.

You must be asking yourself why it occurs and how to tackle this issue? Stay with us in this article to learn more; we will explore why it occurs and how double glazing can help to prevent it.

Can double glazing actually stop condensation? Double glazing cannot eliminate condensation completely; however, a combination of windows, ventilation and moisture reduction is the only way to completely get rid of condensation.


What Causes Condensation Inside Windows?

Condensation occurs when warm, moist air comes into contact with a cold surface, similar to how a hot summer day causes your glass of ice water to sweat. This causes the water vapour in the air to condense into water droplets on the surface of the window. Although condensation is a normal occurrence, excessive moisture build-up can lead to serious issues within your home.




How can Double Glazing help to Reduce Condensation? 

Double glazing consists of two panes of glass set in the same frame, that are separated by a thin layer of air or insulating gas. This design creates a barrier that reduces heat transfer between the interior and exterior of your property, as well as helping to keep cold air out. It can help to maintain a consistent indoor temperature by reducing heat loss through the windows, minimising the formation of condensation on the glass.


Double Glazing Benefits


Improved insulation

Double glazing will not only keep your home at a more comfortable temperature throughout the year, but it will also help you to save money on your energy bills. Double glazed windows are extremely energy efficient and work as an effective insulator, retaining heat at home. 


Reduce moisture transfer

The double glazing design creates a barrier which reduces the chance of moisture transfer, minimising the build up of condensation between the windows panes where condensation typically occurs.


Enhance ventilation

Having adequate ventilation is necessary to keep good indoor air quality. Double glazing blocks out pollutants and allows homeowners to have more control over ventilation. When you combine double glazed windows with ventilation systems, you can guarantee a steady flow of fresh air without affecting the cleanliness of your indoor space. 


hand opening double glazed window


Why Choose Wimbledon Windows?

Wimbledon is recognised as one of the leading double glazing companies based in the Wimbledon, South West London and Surrey area. All our windows can be fitted with high security Yale shootbolt locking systems, because we know security is a priority for homeowners.

All our windows are made in the United Kingdom and exclusively constructed from 100% lead free and recyclable materials. For energy efficiency, our double glazing range has up to an A+12 Window Energy Rating. Pair this with the latest double glazing that we have to offer and your home will be a consistently warm and comfortable space to be.

If you would like to get competitive prices quickly and easily, you can use our online quote engine. Alternatively, if you have any queries regarding our windows, our team is on hand to assist you. You can fill out our online contact form or call us at 02085 431 444. With years of experience in the industry, our team will listen to your project requirements to ensure the best fit for your property.

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