Double Glazed Windows London

High Quality Double Glazed Windows in London

Double glazed windows are imperative to a safe, warm and stylish London home. Wimbledon Windows are proud to offer a vast selection of high quality windows, which are adaptable to the tastes and needs of you, the customer.

Liniar Double Glazed Windows LondonIf you’re looking for double glazing in London, Wimbledon Windows is the double glazing installer for you.

Our uPVC double glazed window collection uses the ingenious Liniar uPVC profile, providing your London home with thermal efficiency all year round.

The Liniar uPVC profile used in our double glazed windows consists of an inventive 6 chambered design, straight from the heart of British engineering.

All of our uPVC windows are exceptionally thermally efficient, using a multi-chambered profile to fragment mini convection currents, and lock in pockets of warm air.

This ensures that all of our double glazed windows achieve the highest possible Window Energy Rating of A+, from The British Fenestration Rating Council

To improve weatherproofing in our double glazed windows, the Liniar uPVC profile is designed with specially created contours. This means that natural drainage is maximised and water ingress is eliminated.

Even on the rainiest days, water won’t build up and damage the integrity of your double glazed window.

Our double glazed windows profile uses integrated reinforcements, which eliminate the need for lead or steel structures.

Not only do these integrated reinforcements enhance the strength and robustness of our double glazed window, it also enables the profile to be used from 100% recyclable materials.

Market-Leading Double Glazed Windows with Smart Architectural Aluminium

Outclassing your average double glazed windows,  Smart Architectural Aluminium’s high-calibre profile design brings a superior quality which allows for an exceptional aluminium double glazed window.

Consisting of an innate strength and agility, our Smart aluminium double glazed windows offer an elegant and shapely design to complement your Wimbledon home.

When used for double glazed windows, aluminium is incredibly robust and sturdy, despite being trim and slim-line.

They ensure a high level of security and durability. This means that you can have complete peace of mind, whilst enjoying something that is easy on the eye.

The thermally broken aluminium profile in our double glazed windows utilises a polyamide bridge, maximising the energy efficiency of your London home and ensuring an A+ BFRC rating.

Polyamide as a material has a high level of resistance to heat transfer, so it is the perfect material to use in order to enhance the heat retention of your Wimbledon home.

secured by design double glazed windows LondonHighly Secure Double Glazed Windows

Both our uPVC and aluminium double glazed windows benefit from the high quality shootbolt locking system from Yale.

Using the intelligent combination of anti-separation ‘mushroom’ cams, chamfered security shootbolts and robust zinc alloy strikers, this world class locking system offers the highest standard of security for your Wimbledon property.

Our double glazed windows are in it for the long haul. Ensuring confidence in their product, Yale include a 10-year mechanical guarantee with every shootbolt lock.

Tyale-security double glazed windows Yalehis assures that the security of your double glazed windows will maintain its reliability 10 years after its installation.

To put your mind at rest even more, Yale also include a £1,000 security guarantee, which means you can receive up to £1,000 towards your contents and property insurance excess if you were to ever experience a break in.

Our Yale locking systems are fully approved by The British Standards Institute (BSI) and Secured by Design (SBD). This means that after exhaustive testing, they have proven themselves to excel in security standards that far surpass your average locking system.

The Right Windows for Your London Home

Our range includes Casement Windows, Tilt and Turn Windows, Sliding Sash Windows, Sash Horn Windows and Aluminium Windows.

Casement Windows

One of the most popular designs from our double glazed windows range, the Casement Windows are the ultimate window.

Consisting of durable hardware, our Casement Windows contain stainless steel friction stays and innovative hinge technology. Tested for 20,000 cycles, they heighten security for your Wimbledon home. As a double glazing window, they really set the bench mark for security.

Slim sightlines are installed in our Casement Window profile, which maximises natural light and enhances views.

As standard for all of our double glazed windows, all of our Casement Windows contain Yale’s high security shootbolt locks. Guaranteeing enhanced levels of security for your Wimbledon property.

Almost maintenance free, our Casement Windows are pleasing to look at and stress-free.

Our double glazed windows are A+ energy rated by BFRC, which means that the Casement Windows range excels in thermal efficiency.casement window London

Tilt and Turn Windows

Multi-functional and eye catching double glazed windows make your London home a versatile haven. Choose our Tilt and Turn Windows option to benefit from this.

The ‘tilt’ function of our Tilt and Turn double glazed windows incorporates lockable ventilation into the double glazed window design.

Allowing you to tilt your double glazed windows on a 180˚ angle, our Tilt and Turn windows allow you to increase airflow without compromising on security. This means that on those warm summer days, you can easily ventilate your home whilst being able to relax.

The crisp detailing in the double glazed windows design allows for a beautifully European aesthetic, and the fully integrated hardware ensures a clean finish.

Our double glazed windows are wonderfully practical. Tilt and Turn windows feature a 90˚ turn angle that allows for easy cleaning. This useful features gives easy access to upstairs windows, or windows in high-rise Wimbledon accommodation.

As standard, our Tilt and Turn windows are secured by Yale’s high quality shootbolt locking system.Tilt and Turn Windows London

Sliding Sash Windows

If you want your double glazed windows to allow your Wimbledon home to exude a sense of heritage, but want to enjoy all the benefits of modern double glazed windows, the Sliding Sash Window is the perfect choice for you.

Effortless to use, the spring balance mechanism situated within the Sliding Sash Window design offsets the weight of the sliding sash.

Unlike the traditional sliding sash window, this modern innovation allows for easier use and less wear and tear on the window mechanism.

Our Sliding Sash Double Glazed Windows also contain their very own ‘tilt’ function, achievable by a built in pivot bar. This allows for easy cleaning and lockable ventilation, ensuring practicality, comfort and security.

Restrictors are fitted into these double glazed windows to prevent the bottom sash from any unwanted sliding, this keeps your little one’s fingers safe and avoids any nasty accidents.

For improved security, our Sliding Sash Windows can also be fitted with high security cam locks, to ensure peace of mind.Sliding Sash Windows Wimbledon

Sash Horn Windows

If you enjoy the aesthetic of Sliding Sash Windows but prefer the functionality of Casement Windows, then Sash Horn Windows are the choice for you.

Outfitted with a sash horn appearance, our Sash Horn Double Glazed Windows cleverly give the illusion of a Sliding Sash Window, but function the same as a Casement Window.

Promoting meticulous attention to detail, all of our Sash Horn Windows are hand finished, to produce an unrivalled level of quality.

Sash Horn Windows include special horn gaskets, which offer unparalleled weather protection that will hold steadfast against unpredictable British weather.

As standard, our Sash Windows are A+ BFRC rated and security assured by Yale’s shootbolt locking system.Sash Horn Windows Wimbledon

Aluminium Windows

Exhibiting the true innovation of contemporary windows, our Aluminium Windows truly are a spectacle of modern double glazed window design. They are a fantastic choice for your Wimbledon property.Aluminium Windows Wimbledon

Aluminium as a material is naturally strong, versatile, weather resistant and thermally efficient. This makes it perfect to use in the construction of a double glazed window.

These innate benefits are greatly improved upon by Smart Architectural Aluminium, who’s superior design ensures precision engineering and expert craftsmanship, resulting in a superior aluminium product.

Aluminium windows LondonAll of our Aluminium Windows are A+ BFRC rated, achieving an outstanding U-Value of up to 1.5. Much like our uPVC range, our Aluminium Windows use a thermally broken profile and a polyamide bridge to achieve this remarkable rating.

The combination of its natural strength and robustness with Yale’s top-quality locking system ensures the highest standard of security. This makes our Aluminium Windows almost impossible to break into.

Competitive Window Prices in Wimbledon, London

Found the right double glazed windows for you? Don’t delay in using our free online quote engine today to find out about our competitive double glazed window prices in Wimbledon!

If you’d prefer to speak to us on a more personal level, you can call us on 020 8543 1444 or email us at

We look forward to hearing from you!

Categories: Double Glazed Windows London

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